Bone health BASIC

This package is for anyone experiencing musculoskeletal pain, those prone to bone conditions such…

31 €
Bone health BASIC
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Bone health BASIC

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31 €

This package is for anyone experiencing musculoskeletal pain, those prone to bone conditions such as osteoporosis, or women who have entered menopause prematurely. And for those who want to have the condition of their bones checked.

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What interests you about the Bone health BASIC test?

How is a bone health test performed?

The bone health test analyzes bone metabolism and includes testing for calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, hormone levels, and other key parameters to determine bone health. Between 7 and 25 parameters are tested, depending on the test variant.

How much does a bone health test cost?

Unilabs offers a bone health test from 31 euros to 116,10 euros according to one of 4 test variants:

  • BASIC variant costs 31 euros,
  • PLUS variant costs 62,30 euros,
  • EXPERT variant for men costs 101,70 euros,
  • EXPERT variant for women costs 116,10 euros.
How does bone loss manifest itself?

Osteoporosis is asymptomatic for a long time and manifests itself with unnoticed rather than obvious symptoms. For example, losing a few centimeters of your height, changing your natural posture (you start to slouch, bend or lean forward), shortness of breath (compressed discs reduce lung capacity), and pain in the lumbar spine (1).

What will help against bone thinning?

A guaranteed recipe is regular light exercise and sufficient calcium and vitamin D intake. Experts also recommend using protective equipment, e.g. during heavy work and sports, to prevent fractures. In all circumstances, follow an exercise and diet plan that benefits you, not makes you worse (1).

What is the difference between osteoporosis and arthrosis?

Arthrosis and osteoporosis are chronic diseases that affect the skeletal system. Arthrosis is characterized by degenerative changes in bone cartilage, adjacent bone and joint capsule accompanied by limited mobility and joint pain. Osteoporosis develops due to thinning of the bone mass, which leads to an increased risk of fractures.

How to prevent osteoporosis?

Treatment of osteoporosis depends on its cause. If the test shows a bone metabolism disorder, we recommend visiting a doctor who will determine the next course of action. Supplementation with vitamin D and calcium is important in preventing fractures; the dose and form will be recommended by your doctor.

What not to eat with osteoporosis?

If you suffer from osteoporosis, avoid oversalted foods, red meat, foods with added sugars, foods rich in oxalates (leafy vegetables and legumes), and wheat bran (the sulfur it contains increases the acidity of the body) (2).

How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

At Unilabs, we offer a bone health examination, which includes a bone metabolism analysis, including testing calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D levels and hormone levels to determine bone health and possible imbalances in bone metabolism. The examination is suitable for people with musculoskeletal pain and a predisposition to osteoporosis.

If the results are not within the normal range, you should see a doctor who will recommend further examination necessary for the diagnosis of osteoporosis.

When does osteoporosis begin?

Bone is at its strongest from early adulthood until about age 30. Around age 35, bone begins to thin, with bone mass decreasing. This is true for everyone, but some people develop osteoporosis, where bone mass is lost much faster than normal, exponentially increasing the risk of fracture (3).

What to eat to keep your bones healthy?

Bone health depends on a healthy diet that includes foods rich in protein and calcium, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified cereals (4). Doctors also recommend eating enough calories to maintain a healthy weight and energy levels.

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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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všetko v poriadku
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Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie. :)
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Opakovane som s testami aj poskytnutými službami absolútne spokojná. Odporúčam.
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Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná s našimi službami. :)
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Znovu len sama chvala, odber na čas, vysledky v predstihu, mily personal.
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