Cholesterol test

Triglycerides and cholesterol levels, HDL and LDL are essential markers of fat metabolism. They…

2,25 €
Cholesterol test
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Cholesterol test

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2,25 €

Triglycerides and cholesterol levels, HDL and LDL are essential markers of fat metabolism. They depend among other on the diet received, physical activity and the functioning of the metabolism as a whole. CRP plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis among others in the expression of adhesion molecules recruitment of inflammatory cells and cholesterol uptake.

Cholesterol uptake by Macrophages. For this reason, hsCRP determination can be used to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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What interests you about the Cholesterol test?

How much does a cholesterol test cost?

At Unilabs, we offer a cholesterol test for 2.25 euros. All you need for the test is a blood sample, which will be taken from you at one of more than 30 collection points Unilabs. You will receive the test result within 1 business day and it will come to you discreetly in your password-protected profile.

What to do before a cholesterol blood test?

Blood for a cholesterol test is taken on an empty stomach. This means that 12 hours before the test, you should only have a light dinner and 8 hours before the test, you should not eat at all.

How does high cholesterol manifest itself?

Excess bad (LDL) cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of hardening of the arteries, heart disease, stroke and other health problems. High cholesterol is associated with a lipid metabolism disorder or hypercholesterolemia. A cholesterol test will detect incipient problems early.

What should not be eaten with high cholesterol?

Foods that worsen the symptoms of high cholesterol are red meat (beef, lamb) including industrially processed meat (e.g. sausage), full-fat dairy products (cream, milk, butter), pastries, sweets, fried foods, oils (especially palm and coconut).

How often should you have your cholesterol checked?

Healthy people get a lipid profile done, depending on their age and family history of high cholesterol. Young people over 18 should have the test every 5 years, men (aged 45 to 65) and women (aged 55 to 65) should have the test every one to two years.

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Oceňujem vysokú profesionalitu a spoľahlivosť - rýchlosť pri objednávaní i doručení výsledkov, dodržanie času a kvalitu odberov.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojný. :)
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Vsetko prebehlo rychlo a efektivne. Od prvotnej internetovej objednavky az po samotne obdrzanie vysledkov. Miesto odberu dobre dostupne bez cakania. Velkou vyhodou je ze test sa da spravit aj ciastkovo iba na jednotlive pozadovane odbery. Sluzbu odporucam.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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Všetko prebehlo hladko presne na čas a výsledky prišli v priebehu pár hodín.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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Všetko prebehlo hladko presne na čas a výsledky prišli v priebehu pár hodín.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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Na odber ma vzali dokonca skôr ako som mal termín a vysledky prišli do pár hodín.
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Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie. :)
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Odber s cakanim trval asi 10min :) a výsledky uz boli na obed. Veľká spokojnosť.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojný. :)
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Veľká spokojnosť, milý personál, odber bol uskutočnený profesionálne a načas, výsledky boli doručené ešte skôr, ako bolo uvedené.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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Bezproblemovy odber, vysledky skor ako bolo uvedene, velmi prehladne, super
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Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za pozitívnu spätnú väzbu. :)

You take the Cholesterol test as part of the following tests