How to read lab results
Blood analysis or laboratory tests are among the basic activities performed in laboratories. Important information can often be found out from the blood, which is the basic criterion for assessing a person's health. Based on the individual values, we can subsequently diagnose a number of diseases. To the layman, the lab result is a jumble of letters, numbers and stars. What exactly do the individual values mean? Can a non-expert understand them? Let's take a look at it.
Just a few drops of blood
When taking blood, a nurse (or the staff of the collection point) collects venous or capillary blood. Depending on the required tests, the necessary amount of blood is taken. Not only one type of test tube is used for all samples. If you order examinations through Unilabs Online, your results are not sent to the doctor. The results will come directly to your profile, which you created during registration. At the same time, you will receive an SMS message that your results are ready for download.
What you can find in the laboratory results of a blood test
There are really many parameters that you can measure as part of our examinations. That is why we have selected for you the ones that are investigated most often.
Albumin is one of the main proteins of blood plasma. It makes up to 60% of all plasma proteins. In addition to blood, it is also found in tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. It plays a major role in the transport of various substances (minerals, fatty acids and medicines) through the blood. It maintains a stable internal environment of the body.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a liver-specific enzyme that participates in the process of protein conversion. Even with minor liver damage, a higher amount of this enzyme (together with the AST enzyme) is released into the bloodstream. The greater the extent of liver cell damage, the higher the level of ALT in the bloodstream.
Total proteins
Total proteins are a large group of all blood proteins. These more than 100 proteins differ from each other in molecular weight, properties, distribution and function. The end product of protein degradation is urea, which we will talk about later. A small amount of these protein molecules is excreted from the body in urine or stool.
Blood chloride testing is often taken as a routine matter. Chlorides are usually examined as part of the determination of ions, within the framework of a basic or extended biochemical examination. This type of examination is done in patients with acute or chronic disease. Chlorides are important for maintaining osmotic and acid-base balance.
Cholesterol is a lipid substance, it is a basic part of cell membranes, the basis for the formation of steroid hormones, vitamin D and bile acids. Cholesterol is a substance of steroid nature and you can find it in every cell. At the same time, it is the building block of nerves and the aforementioned hormones. It is tied to the so-called lipoprotein particles that exist as three main classes according to density. We will focus on two - on LDL and HDL, to which cholesterol binds and is accordingly referred to as LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.
LDL cholesterol (so-called bad cholesterol)
An increased level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In the case of LDL cholesterol, these are fat particles that transport cholesterol to other parts of the body. LDL cholesterol is considered important in determining the risk of cardiovascular heart disease. At an elevated level, the cardiovascular risk may increase.
HDL cholesterol (so-called good cholesterol)
If you have a higher concentration of HDL cholesterol, you have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Thanks to "good" cholesterol, your body can excrete excess cholesterol from the body. Excess cholesterol goes to the liver, where it is subsequently broken down.
Ferritin is a protein that plays an important role in storing iron in the body. It is found in various tissues, in the blood serum only in small amounts, but its concentration in the serum is an important indicator of the intracellular stores of iron in the body. In addition, ferritin acts as an acute-phase protein, meaning that its levels can rise during inflammation. It is interesting that it was discovered by the Czech academician Vilém Laufberger.
Estradiol belongs to the group of female sex hormones - estrogens. Its action is very diverse. The main influence is on the function and development of the female genital organs, the mammary gland in a woman. It is estradiol that is the predominant estrogen in women in the period from the first menstruation to menopause.
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) is a key enzyme of the gamma-glutamyl cycle. Its functions include e.g. transport of selected amino acids and peptides across the cell membrane. An increased value of GGT in the serum indicates liver cell damage or liver disease caused by excessive alcohol consumption.
If you have elevated creatinine, it will first be a kidney function disorder - inflammation, failure, damage or even the presence of urinary stones. In general, creatinine is a nitrogenous substance that is formed in the muscles from creatine phosphate. It is a byproduct of muscle cell metabolism. It is eliminated from the blood mainly by the kidneys.
Although we can often come across that sugar is a killer, glucose is absolutely necessary for our body. Glucose is the fastest and easiest form of energy for cells. In nature, it is also important for plants, to which it supplies energy for growth. An increased level of glucose is one of the first signals that will help to detect diabetes (diabetes mellitus). It is necessary to know your glycemic level (blood glucose level).
Immunoglobulin (antibody) is a complex protein that the body creates as a defense against more complex substances that the body identifies as antigens (foreign substances).
Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
IgA antibodies are also called mucosal antibodies. They are produced by B-lymphocytes, which are in the mucous layers. Antibodies of the IgA class are similar to those of the IgG class.
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
IgG is among the most common immunoglobulins found in the blood. It neutralizes bacterial toxins or binds most microorganisms. This greatly facilitates their phagocytosis. It is the only immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta and functions as the main protection of the fetus against infections in the first days and weeks of the child's life.
Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
IgM can be found in the cytoplasm and on the surface of B-cells in the early phase of their maturation. It is the first class of antibodies produced in the initial immune response. The presence of IgM will then often indicate whether it is an acute or chronic infection.
Urea is the most important end product of amino acid and protein metabolism. Serum urea concentration may rise if you consume a lot of protein in your food. It is also called a marker of kidney function and protein catabolism.
PSA or prostate specific antigen is a protein that is produced by the glands contained in the prostate and is important for the liquefaction of sperm. The level of PSA in the blood is usually low, but its value increases mainly in prostate tumors and benign prostate enlargement. Thanks to the examination of the PSA antigen, it is possible to detect the potential risk of prostate cancer early.
Are you smarter now? We hope so, at least a little. And if not, nothing happens. On the contrary. We have prepared the possibility of interpreting your laboratory results just for you. Laboratory results must take into account the current state of health and the overall context. It is not possible to interpret individual values without correlation with other parameters. The human body is an incredibly interconnected organism and everything is connected to everything. Therefore, the explanation of individual indicators cannot be taken separately.
Do you want to have the laboratory results interpreted?
Reference (normal) values of individual parameters are part of our result sheets. If you are interested in the connection between them, definitely do not start your own diagnoses. It is for this reason that we offer interpretation of the results with the help of our external partner uLékař
Within 24 hours after sending the request, you will receive an interpretation of the results by a medical expert in your e-mail. You can then arrange a call with the nurse.
You can order an interpretation online when the final laboratory result of your examination arrives in your profile. After receiving the final result, go to your profile, where you can order its interpretation.