Iron (ferritin - the storage form of iron) is a very important element for our body. It is part of…

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Iron metabolism (blood iron level)
Iron (ferritin - the storage form of iron) is a very important element for our body. It is part of haemoglobin. It is a protein that binds oxygen in the lungs and carries it to other parts of the body. On average, there are 3-4 grams of iron in our body. As part of the examination of iron metabolism, we also determine the values of the following parameters: vitamin B12, vitamin B9 (you know it as folic acid), iron and also blood count values.
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What interests you about the Iron metabolism (blood iron level)?
What is the normal level of iron in the blood?
The normal level of iron in the blood depends on age and gender. Newborns should have 11 to 36 μmol/l, children 9 to 24 μmol/l (4), women 10 to 30 μmol/l and men 11 to 33 μmol/l (5). Have your iron metabolism checked and find out its values. There may be slight deviations in the reference ranges of individual laboratories.
How to recognize that the body lacks iron?
Symptoms of iron deficiency include paleness, irritability, low energy, fatigue, increased heart rate (tachycardia), sore or swollen tongue, enlarged spleen or pika, i.e. j. desire to eat things that are not intended for eating (ice, paper, sharp objects).
What does increased iron in the blood mean?
If you get elevated iron in the test, it means either that you consume too much iron or that your body processes iron poorly. Another possibility is that it is excessively absorbed from the digestive tract.
What lowers the level of iron in the blood?
If you need to reduce iron levels in your blood, the easiest way is to avoid excessive consumption of red meat, offal and dietary supplements containing iron. Iron is added e.g. into complex multimineral preparations, follow the recommended dosage.
How is iron deficiency anemia manifested?
Iron deficiency anemia has a gradual onset. Among the symptoms that will draw attention to it are noticeable pallor, fatigue, reduced performance, tachycardia and general weakness. The iron level test reveals whether you suffer from a lack of blood cells due to iron deficiency (anemia).
What blocks iron absorption?
Iron absorption inhibitors include the so-called phytates found in plant foods. Iron from plant sources (legumes, fruits, vegetables) is absorbed by the body worse than from animal sources. Have your iron metabolism checked and find out its values.
What causes excess iron?
An excess of iron most often causes a hereditary disease called hemochromatosis. (1) Iron can also accumulate in the body due to transfusion, hemolysis or intake of excessive amounts of iron in food. Get your iron level checked and keep it under control.
What to drink with iron deficiency?
If you do not have enough iron (you can find out with the test), supplement it not only with food, but also with suitable drinks. Rich in iron are e.g. green juices (from spinach, broccoli, beets, peas, Swiss chard or quack), cocoa or beef liver powder added to, for example, a smoothie. (2)
Which food contains a lot of iron?
Foods rich in iron are offal (especially liver), red meat, beans, chickpeas, nuts, dried fruit (e.g. apricots) or soybean meal. (3) Get your blood iron checked and find out which foods to include in your menu.
How does an excess of iron manifest itself?
Did you know that you can also "poison yourself" with iron? Symptoms of this condition include bloody stools, diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting (with blood), dehydration and palpitations. Check the level of iron in your blood.
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