As part of the examination, we will check your cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols and CRPhs. The levels of these parameters are important indicators of how our body processes lipids. Their levels can be affected by our diet or physical activity.
High cholesterol levels often do not show any symptoms. Get an overview of your lipid metabolism (lipid profile).
As part of the examination, we will check your cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols and CRPhs. The levels of these parameters are important indicators of how our…
As part of the examination, we will check your cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols and CRPhs. The levels of these parameters are important indicators of how our body processes lipids. Their levels can be affected by our diet or physical activity.
High cholesterol levels often do not show any symptoms. Get an overview of your lipid metabolism (lipid profile).
Benefits of fat metabolism testing (lipid profile)
Results within 4 working days
Examination of lipid levels - cholesterol including LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerols
The test will show the results of your lipid profile
Find out if you have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease
Early detection of risk
What’s inside
Cholesterol test
Triglycerides and cholesterol levels, HDL and LDL are essential markers of fat metabolism. They depend among other on the diet received, physical activity and the functioning of the metabolism as a…
HDL cholesterol is referred to as "the good one". Its most important function is to rid the blood vessels of excess cholesterol stored in the cells of their walls and to transport it to the liver,…
LDL - low-density lipoproteins, are particles that transport the bulk of cholesterol from the liver to the peripheral tissues. They are formed in the liver as VLDL (very low-density lipoproteins),…
Triglycerides and cholesterol levels, HDL and LDL are essential markers of fat metabolism. They depend among other on the diet received, physical activity and the functioning of the metabolism as a…
CRP plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis among others in the expression of adhesion molecules recruitment of inflammatory cells and cholesterol uptake.
As part of the lipid metabolism test (lipid profile), we measure 5 parameters.
We will determine your lipid profile based on the following parameters:
HDL cholesterol
HDL cholesterol is the so-called good cholesterol. Higher levels of cholesterol reduce the risk of artery disease. The most important function of HDL cholesterol is to rid the arteries of cholesterol trapped on their walls and transport it to the liver, which, paradoxically, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood as well as the risk of cardiovascular disease.
LDL cholesterol
LDL - low-density lipoprotein-rich cholesterol - is formed in the liver as VLDL and is converted into IDL and LDL when triacylglycerols are broken down and fatty acids are released. On the surface is the apolipoprotein apoB-100. They are taken up from the plasma by liver parenchymal cells. The main function of LDL cholesterol is to transport cholesterol into cells. It is used in the construction of tissue cell membranes and in hormone metabolism.
Cholesterol is a substance of steroidal nature and binds to proteins (apolipoproteins) to form lipoproteins, which are divided according to density into 3 basic classes (HDL, LDL, VLDL). Cholesterol is a component of cells in which it stabilizes their structure, regulates membrane permeability and participates in intercellular communication.
Triacylglycerols (TAGs) are simple lipids, esters of fatty acids and glycerol, which are the main source of energy in the body. They enter the body through food along with cholesterol. Part of the triacylglycerols is immediately converted to energy and the rest, at low energy expenditure, passes from the small intestine through the bloodstream and is stored in adipose tissue. Between meals, triacylglycerols are released from adipose tissue as energy stores.
CRP (C-reactive protein) is a protein that is synthesized in the liver due to pro-inflammatory signals. It is one of the markers of inflammation. Inflammation plays an important role in the development of a disease called atherosclerosis, when deposits/plaque form in blood vessels. CRP influences processes such as the search for inflammatory cells and the uptake/absorption of cholesterol by specialised cells called macrophages. We can assess the risk of cardiovascular disease by measuring CRP using the high-sensitivity method, i.e. the so-called hsCRP values.
Instructions before collection
We do not recommend entry of patients/clients with clinical signs of disease (temperature, cough, signs of respiratory tract infection, etc.) to undergo this test. We recommend hand disinfection prior to entry to the clinics/collection points.
It is advised to fast for a minimum of 8 hours by refraining from eating or drinking anything expect water. Faiing to fast before the test may affect result quality. If you are currently on medications, consult your healtcare provider to determine whether you should continue taking them prior to the test.
PREPARATION FOR BLOOD COLLECTION The recommended time to collect blood is between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., to obtain comparable results from different blood draws. To assess the numerical test result, so-called reference intervals are used, which are based on morning fasting collections and are used for population comparison. This time interval is also recommended in light of the biological cycles that naturally take place in the body.
GENERAL PRE-SAMPLING INSTRUCTIONS • It is necessary to come to the testing site earlier, so that you can rest in the waiting room for approximately 20 minutes to have a relatively relaxed body and mind. • It is necessary to arrive on an empty stomach for the collection itself, in the case of collections at a later time in the day, at least three hours on an empty stomach. At home, it is desirable to drink a sufficient amount of pure water (at least up to half a liter) - this is important for a successful blood collection. Mineral water, juice, coffee and tea are not recommended. Herbs included in tea may contain substances affecting the blood count. Coffee and black tea increase gastric acid production and release insulin from the pancreas, thereby affecting glucose metabolism. Since everything in the body is interrelated, they can impact other tests. Another extreme is when your body is running out of fluids. In this case, the number of red blood cells, the level of protein and lipids bound to the protein increase and the level of urea in the blood can also increase. It is therefore advisable to drink pure water when you wake up.
Generally, it is recommended to: • around 6 p.m. eat only light meals, do not eat fatty food (cheese, butter, cream, meat, smoked meat, bacon) and sweet meals, • fast for 10-12 hours (Attention: it is not advisable to starve for more than 16 hours!), in the case of later collection (after 9:30 a.m.), a lighter breakfast is allowed, no later than 3 hours before collection, • drink non-alcoholic beverages and drinks without sugar in the usual quantity, in the case of adult clients 24 hours before blood collection (Alcohol in the blood changes lipid levels, the level of glucose is reduced, uric acid levels increase and liver enzymes are released into the blood), • take only prescribed medicines in the evening, • avoid increased physical activity, and strength and endurance exercise the day before blood collection (Lipid, glucose, some enzyme levels in the blood and other parameters may change during physical activity. The recovery of normal values to maintain the accuracy of laboratory results may take a longer time, depending on the duration of the exercise, your physical fitness in general and other factors. We recommend maintaining normal daily physical activity such as light stretching, short cycling to work, gardening, etc.), • avoid psychological stress, which raises blood glucose levels and causes the release of stress hormones in particular, • avoid smoking for at least 6 hours prior to blood collection because it increases the level of carbonylhemoglobin produced by the reaction of the blood dye with carbon monoxide and alters the permeability and elasticity of the vessels, affecting the ratios of blood analytes, • do not chew gum for at least 6 hours before blood collection, as this may affect glucose and enzyme levels, • do not undergo stressful diagnostic or therapeutic interventions for at least 24 hours prior to blood collection. If any of the tests you have selected require special preparation, you will be informed of the fact by email with the order and blood collection instructions attached. These specific instructions have priority over the general recommendations for preparation.
MEDICINES It is recommended to have blood collected before the planned doses of medicines. If it is not possible to take the medicine later, you should inform the nurse during blood collection and specify what medication you have taken. Take the medicines prescribed by your doctor in the morning or bring them with you to take them after blood collection (thyroid medicines, antihypertensive medicines, blood thinners, contraceptives, etc.) In the case of later collection (after 9:30 a.m.), you can take the prescribed medication in the morning. Do not take iron, vitamin, nutritional supplements or other supplements, including homeopathics, for at least three (3) days prior to blood collection.
SPECIFIC SITUATIONS In order to obtain the appropriate answers to your questions with regard to the laboratory tests, it is important to accurately notify the nurse at the healthcare provider about the following facts prior to your blood test: • regularly used medicines and supplements (ideally come with a written list to the blood collection site), • infectious diseases you suffer from (e.g., HIV, hepatitis, mononucleosis...), • contact with an infected person or presence in an infectious environment, • if you have received an infusion within the last 5 days, specify into which limb, • intramuscular injections within 3 days prior to the blood collection date, • long-term immobilisation, lost ability to move, • activities at higher altitudes, • allergy to common band-aids, • if you feel unwell when looking at blood or needles, please also notify our blood collection staff of the fact.
OTHER FACTORS Please note that prolonged use of medication or other important factors may affect the values measured by the tests you have selected. For more information, please see the description of the specific test. To obtain objective test results, take the time to properly prepare for your blood collection.
What interests you about the Lipid metabolism (lipid profile)?
Fat metabolism characterizes the breakdown of lipids and their use as energy sources, as well as the synthesis of structural and functional lipids involved in the construction of cell membranes. In humans, fats, namely cholesterol and triglycerides, are metabolized in the liver.
Fat metabolism takes place in the liver. There, the synthesis of fatty acids, triacylglycerols and phospholipids takes place. These are subsequently transported to other tissues in the body. Cholesterol is also synthesized in the liver and at the same time converted into bile acids.
It is professionally called dyslipidemia and, among other things, it involves increased plasma values of some lipoproteins. The metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins can be disturbed in various ways, which leads to qualitative changes (to a change in their function) and/or to their quantitative changes. That is why it is important to have your lipid profile checked regularly and keep fats under control.
The term lipid metabolism refers to the examination of cholesterol or the determination of the concentration of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerols in relation to the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
Lipid examination or lipid profile is the determination of the concentration of cholesterol and triacylglycerols in the blood, which determines the risk of developing atherosclerosis. It is necessary to pass the fat metabolism test as a preventive measure, because high cholesterol does not manifest itself with obvious symptoms.
HDL are high-density lipoproteins that carry cholesterol, or "good cholesterol," because it helps the body "get rid of" cholesterol. LDL are low-density lipoproteins that also carry cholesterol, or "bad cholesterol", in case of excess, cholesterol can settle in blood vessels, clog them and risk the development of long-term health complications. Check their values.
"Good" HDL cholesterol should at least reach (if not exceed) 3 mmol/l in both men and women. "Bad" LDL cholesterol should not exceed 4 mmol/l . According to experts, the total cholesterol value should not be higher than 5 mmol/l (3).
High cholesterol has no visible symptoms. Taking a blood test, through which they compile your lipid profile, is the only way to find out if you have high cholesterol. This is also why the examination of lipids is a basic laboratory parameter and indicator of health.
A change in lifestyle is necessary to lower cholesterol levels. If the test shows that you have high cholesterol, go on a diet, stop smoking, limit alcohol and include foods rich in healthy fats (nuts, legumes, lean meat).
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Vyšetrenie prebehlo včas, v prijemnom a útulnom prostredí, personál je milý a ústretový.Výsledok som dostala už pár hodín po odberu.Unilabs som si vybrala zámerne, bola som tu už aj vlani a ešte sa určite vrátim, keď budem potrebovať nové vyšetrenie.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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Všetko prebehlo v poriadku, výsledok som dostal rýchlo.
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Vaša spokojnosť s priebehom odberu, ako aj s rýchlym dodaním výsledkov nás teší. Ďakujeme :)
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výsledok na druhy deň, čakanie na testovanie cca 5 min
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