Lipid metabolism (lipid profile)

As part of the examination, we will check your cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol,…

13,60 €
Lipid metabolism (lipid profile)
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Lipid metabolism (lipid profile)

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13,60 €

As part of the examination, we will check your cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols and CRPhs. The levels of these parameters are important indicators of how our body processes lipids. Their levels can be affected by our diet or physical activity.

High cholesterol levels often do not show any symptoms. Get an overview of your lipid metabolism (lipid profile).

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What interests you about the Lipid metabolism (lipid profile)?

How does fat metabolism work?

Fat metabolism characterizes the breakdown of lipids and their use as energy sources, as well as the synthesis of structural and functional lipids involved in the construction of cell membranes. In humans, fats, namely cholesterol and triglycerides, are metabolized in the liver.

Where does fat metabolism take place?

Fat metabolism takes place in the liver. There, the synthesis of fatty acids, triacylglycerols and phospholipids takes place. These are subsequently transported to other tissues in the body. Cholesterol is also synthesized in the liver and at the same time converted into bile acids.

What is a disorder of fat metabolism?

It is professionally called dyslipidemia and, among other things, it involves increased plasma values ​​of some lipoproteins. The metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins can be disturbed in various ways, which leads to qualitative changes (to a change in their function) and/or to their quantitative changes. That is why it is important to have your lipid profile checked regularly and keep fats under control.

What is lipid metabolism?

The term lipid metabolism refers to the examination of cholesterol or the determination of the concentration of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerols in relation to the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

What do lipids (fats) dissolve in?

Fats are not soluble in water, but dissolve in organic solvents (gasoline, benzene, chloroform).

What is a lipid test?

Lipid examination or lipid profile is the determination of the concentration of cholesterol and triacylglycerols in the blood, which determines the risk of developing atherosclerosis. It is necessary to pass the fat metabolism test as a preventive measure, because high cholesterol does not manifest itself with obvious symptoms.

What is HDL and LDL cholesterol?

HDL are high-density lipoproteins that carry cholesterol, or "good cholesterol," because it helps the body "get rid of" cholesterol. LDL are low-density lipoproteins that also carry cholesterol, or "bad cholesterol", in case of excess, cholesterol can settle in blood vessels, clog them and risk the development of long-term health complications. Check their values.

What is the normal value of cholesterol?

"Good" HDL cholesterol should at least reach (if not exceed) 3 mmol/l in both men and women. "Bad" LDL cholesterol should not exceed 4 mmol/l . According to experts, the total cholesterol value should not be higher than 5 mmol/l (3).

How is elevated cholesterol manifested?

High cholesterol has no visible symptoms. Taking a blood test, through which they compile your lipid profile, is the only way to find out if you have high cholesterol. This is also why the examination of lipids is a basic laboratory parameter and indicator of health.

How to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood?

A change in lifestyle is necessary to lower cholesterol levels. If the test shows that you have high cholesterol, go on a diet, stop smoking, limit alcohol and include foods rich in healthy fats (nuts, legumes, lean meat).

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Vyšetrenie prebehlo včas, v prijemnom a útulnom prostredí, personál je milý a ústretový.Výsledok som dostala už pár hodín po odberu.Unilabs som si vybrala zámerne, bola som tu už aj vlani a ešte sa určite vrátim, keď budem potrebovať nové vyšetrenie.
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Všetko prebehlo v poriadku, výsledok som dostal rýchlo.
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