Statute of the competition - FB Easter Competition 2023 

Statute of the competition - FB How many (partner) triangles do you see?

Statute of the competition - FB Win a surprise from us - the Santa Claus package!

Statute of the competition - NWL Win a surprise from us - the Santa Claus package!

Statute of the competition - FB What type of beard would you grow? Leave us a comment to participate in our competition for a Prevention for Men test package.

Statute of the competition - IG What type of beard would you grow? Leave us a comment to participate in our competition for a Prevention for Men test package.

Statute of the competition - FB What has been your best athletic performance so far? Leave us a comment and win the Fitness PLUS test package

Statute of the competition - IG What has been your best athletic performance so far? Leave us a comment and win the Fitness PLUS test package

Statute of the competition - FB How do you cope with stress? Write your tips in the comments for a chance to win a Thyroid Expert package

Statute of the competition - IG How do you cope with stress? Write your tips in the comments for a chance to win a Thyroid Expert package

Statute of the competition – At what age (months) is a child first vaccinated?

Statute of the competition – Guess the name of the Christmas fairy tale

Statute of the competition – Solve a maths problem and get a voucher

Statute of the competition – Find the correct answer on our website

Statute of the competition – FB Answer the riddle to win a Prevention Woman test package

Statute of the competition – IG Answer the riddle to win a Prevention Woman test package

Statute of the competition – FB Answer the quiz question and win the Fitness Plus test package

Statute of the competition – IG Answer the quiz question and win the Performance Plus test package

Statute of the competition – IG Experience Social Awards Slovakia live with a friend