Vitamin D test

Vitamin D (calciferol) is present in humans in two different forms: vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)…

13,10 €
Vitamin D test
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Vitamin D test

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13,10 €

Vitamin D (calciferol) is present in humans in two different forms: vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). You can use our test to measure your vitamin D blood level. Vitamin D3 production is mainly induced by sunlight. 

The effect of exposure to the ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) from the sun rays is that a chemical reaction is initiated in our skin and, subsequently, vitamin D3 is produced. The sunlight intensity decreases in winter and autumn, that is why we may present with an insufficient level of vitamin D. Take our test to find out what is your vitamin D blood level. 

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What interests you about the Vitamin D test?

How to find out the level of vitamin D?

UNILABS offers a test to determine the level of vitamin D, which costs 13,10 euros. It is a simple blood test, and you just need to come to the nearest collection point. Thanks to the test, you will find out whether you have enough vitamin D and a healthy immunity.

How to recognize high-quality vitamin D?

You can recognize the best quality vitamin D by the fact that it contains the precursor D3 (cholecalciferol), which has greater biological activity and is better usable than the precursor D2 (ergocalciferol), and therefore you should look for this form in supplements, experts advise.

How is vitamin D deficiency manifested?

The lack of "kid" is manifested by weakening of the bones, loss of teeth, irritability and sleep disorders. A low value of vitamin D can also be recognized by muscle weakness, diarrhea and nervousness. The risk of osteoporosis also increases, so get it checked.

How do I find out which vitamin I'm missing?

The best way to find out which vitamin you lack is to take a simple blood test. UNILABS offers a test to determine the level of vitamin D, important for immunity, strength of teeth, hair and muscles and responsible for calcium absorption and bone health.

What should be the value of vitamin D?

According to experts, the normal value of vitamin D is 20 ng/ml. An excess of "baby" is calculated from a value of 50 ng/ml and a deficiency from a value of 12 ng/ml. Most people have a low level of vitamin D, so we recommend getting it tested regularly and including sun exposure in your routine.

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Objednávku sme robili zo dňa na deň, syn bol na odber vzatý presne načas, výsledky prišli ešte v ten deň, takže za nás maximálna spokojnosť.
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Vaša spokojnosť s priebehom odberu, ako aj s rýchlym dodaním výsledkov nás teší. Ďakujeme :)
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S vasimi sluzbami som spokojny.
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Veľmi pekne ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie :)
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Vyšetrenie načas, veľmi príjemná pani, ktorá robila odber. Výsledky prišli ešte v ten deň. Všetko super, odporúčam ☺️
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Vaša spokojnosť s priebehom odberu, ako aj s rýchlym dodaním výsledkov nás teší. Ďakujeme :)
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výsledky,boli už po 4 hodinách od odberu, skvelé
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Vaša spokojnosť s rýchlym dodaním výsledkov nás teší. Ďakujeme za Vaše pozitívne hodnotenie :)
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Vyšetrenie bolo spojené s iným vyšetrením, výsledok namiesto 4 dní bol na svete už na druhý deň, takže som naozaj spokojná.
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Vaša spokojnosť s rýchlym dodaním výsledkov nás teší. Ďakujeme za Vaše pozitívne hodnotenie :)
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie. :)
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Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie. :)

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