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EN: What are the symptoms of diabetes: how to recognize the initial signs of diabetes and not to neglect treatment
Current data estimates that by 2050, 1.3 billion people worldwide will be struggling with diabetes. The increase in prevalence from 529 million (in 2021) to more than 1 billion cases is due to hidden symptoms for which…
Facts about LDL cholesterol: It's called "bad cholesterol", it can bother people in their 30s and it builds up in the walls of blood vessels. What is the norm for LDL and is it possible to lower it?
Cholesterol has earned itself the label of something bad and health-threatening. But the truth is that it is a vital compound that the human body cannot do without. According to the density of the particles, there are 2…
How do you know if you have a fatty liver? Steatosis is painless, symptoms only become apparent when the liver is severely damaged. Watch out for alcohol and fatty foods
Fatty liver is caused by abnormal accumulation of lipids in liver cells. Fat occurs naturally in the liver, breaking down cholesterol. However, when the fat content of the liver exceeds 5% of their weight (a healthy…
When to take a pregnancy test after IVF? Experts advise to wait at least 7 days after the embryo transfer
Artificial insemination is an emotionally and physically stressful time, so it's no wonder that women immediately after embryo transfer wonder when to take a pregnancy test. We understand that waiting for a hoped-for…
hCG values in pregnancy
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced during pregnancy by cells of the placenta, is an indicator of the stage and development of pregnancy. Detecting its level is the principle of all freely available…
Blood reveals a lot about health - from the functioning of the organs to metabolism to errors in diet. Here are 10 reasons why you should get regular blood tests
Blood is the main transporter of essential (immune) cells, molecules (oxygen) and chemicals (nutrients). Blood can figuratively "give a report" about anything that is happening in the body. While the layman often does…
How to find out in which week of pregnancy I am. Write down the first day of the last menstrual period, from which the beginning of pregnancy is calculated
A pregnancy test will confirm (or deny) pregnancy, but it will not tell you in which week you are pregnant. Only a gynecologist can safely determine this. If you don't want to wait for a doctor's visit, you can…
First signs of pregnancy: How to find out that I am pregnant? In the early stages, fatigue, nausea, the urge to urinate or mood swings will indicate this.
Although pregnancy can be confirmed flawlessly only by a doctor using ultrasound, there are also the first signs of pregnancy that an observant woman recognizes even before the time comes for a gravity test. Women know…
What are the symptoms of chlamydia: Tiny bacteria attacking the genitals, lungs, joints or conjunctiva of the eyes
Chlamydia is a microscopic G-bacterium that hides and reproduces inside human cells. We know chlamydia as a sexually transmitted disease, but it also attacks other organs – the lungs (chlamydia pneumoniae), eyes, joints…
It is easy to confuse syphilis with another disease and neglect treatment: How to safely recognize the symptoms of syphilis?
The symptoms of syphilis, a venereal disease whose prevalence is rising every year, are unfortunately not so clear-cut that they can be attributed solely to it. Some (especially cutaneous) symptoms can be confused…
What are the symptoms of HIV: Up to a third of those infected do not have symptoms in the early stage of HIV, yet are highly infectious. What symptoms do the disease reveal, and are there any?
Symptoms of HIV, one of the biggest scourges among sexually transmitted diseases, vary among affected individuals and cannot be generalized. In addition, up to a third of those infected have no symptoms at all, feel…
What are AMH values not only according to age: How does Anti Müllerian Hormone (AMH) affect female fertility? After your thirties, be concerned about your egg supply
Anti Müllerian Hormone (AMH) controls egg maturation and fertility in women. Its level correlates with the number of eggs and can be used to estimate how many sex cells a woman has left and what chance she has of…