Kidney & Urinary Profile

Discover valuable information about a vital organ responsible for maintaining your overall health…

10,10 €
Kidney & Urinary Profile
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Kidney & Urinary Profile

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10,10 €

Discover valuable information about a vital organ responsible for maintaining your overall health and eliminating waste products from your bloodstream.

Our Kidney & Urinary Profile measures overall kidney function indicating possible kidney disease or damage. Kidneys are filtering blood, eliminating waste through urine, regulating water retention, controlling ion concentrations, and maintaining the acid balance in the bloodstream.

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Parameters: 11
Collection: blood, urine
Secure results: within 2 business days

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What interests you about the Kidney & Urinary Profile?

How does the kidney examination take place?

Kidney function is evaluated from venous blood and urine. Blood is examined for 11 parameters capable of detecting kidney disease; you can also bring a tube with morning urine to the collection point. Urine examination should be at the beginning of the assessment of kidney function as an initial screening for possible disease.

How to examine the kidneys?

Part of the examination of the kidneys is the determination of certain substances in the blood and urine. A sample of venous blood and morning urine is sufficient for this. A comprehensive examination of the kidneys must be completed by a doctor with an assessment of the general state of health also taking into account the family history.

Where can I get my kidneys examined?

The basic examination is performed by a general practitioner. In case of suspicion, he will refer you to a nephrologist, who will perform an examination focused on disorders and diseases of the kidneys (e.g. kidney stones, nephritis). You can have a kidney examination via Unilabs Online before visiting a doctor.

How to recognize improper kidney function?

Diseased kidneys don't hurt, but you can assume the wrong function of the kidneys by, for example, swollen legs and face, an increase in the urge to urinate, especially at night, by fatigue and weakness, headaches, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, night cramps in the legs or dry and itchy skin.

How much does a kidney examination cost?

On the Unilabs Online website, you can get a kidney and urinary tract examination for 10.10 euros. The examination determines the overall function and reveals possible kidney disease. The value of 11 parameters (e.g. sodium, potassium, chlorides, urea, uric acid) is determined and you will receive the results within 2 working days.

Customer reviews

5 stars out of 28 ratings

28 Customer reviews

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Veľmi pekne ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie :)
· 5/5
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Vybaveni este par minut pred dohodnutym casom, takze super. Prijemne/ochotne sestricky
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Veľmi pekne ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie :)
· 5/5
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odber bol vybavený do 10 min.od mojho príchodu, výsledky som mala o 14.00 v ten deň...super
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Vaša spokojnosť s priebehom odberu, ako aj s rýchlym dodaním výsledkov nás teší. Ďakujeme :)
· 5/5
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Hned som bola zobrata na odber, vysledky prisli este v ten isty den.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)