The EXPERT test package expands laboratory tests for sexually or otherwise transmitted diseases by including laboratory parameters for detecting chlamydia, genital herpes, and gonorrhea. Laboratory tests comprise HIV detection, liver assessments, and antibody testing for hepatitis B or C. The EXPERT variant encompasses 11 laboratory parameters.
The EXPERT test package expands laboratory tests for sexually or otherwise transmitted diseases by including laboratory parameters for detecting chlamydia, genital herpes, and…
The EXPERT test package expands laboratory tests for sexually or otherwise transmitted diseases by including laboratory parameters for detecting chlamydia, genital herpes, and gonorrhea. Laboratory tests comprise HIV detection, liver assessments, and antibody testing for hepatitis B or C. The EXPERT variant encompasses 11 laboratory parameters.
Advantages of our EXPERT testing package
Total of 11 laboratory parameters
This variant includes detection of HIV, genital herpes, hepatitis B, C, syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia
Results delivered discreetly
Results delivered within 10 business days
Liver tests included
What’s inside
ALT (Alanine aminotransferase) is an enzyme present in the cytoplasm of cells of certain tissues such as liver cells. It is important for the formation and degradation of amino acids, and also plays…
GGT is a gamma-glutamyl transferase, an enzyme bound to cell membranes with the highest concentration in the liver. It is very sensitive to changes in liver function, but also to damage to the…
DNA Chlamydia trachomatis - swab
DNA Neisseria gonorrhoeae - swab
HSV 2 DNA qualitative
Rapid Reagin Reaction (RRR)
anti-HCV IgG
anti-HIV 1/2, p24 antigen against HIV
anti Treponema pallidum
What’s measured
The EXPERT testing package contains 11 laboratory parameters. Unlike the PLUS test package, it extends the diagnostics to detect genital herpes, gonorrhoea and chlamydia infection.
Different versions of individual test packages for STDs or STIs incorporate screenings for syphilis, chlamydia, and HIV. Choose a laboratory testing variant according to the range of parameters that may be of interest to you.
As part of the test, we investigate the following diseases:
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
HIV is the virus responsible for causing AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is primarily transmitted through blood, sexual activities, unprotected sex, and from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
There are 2 types of the virus:
In approximately 70% of cases, the initial symptoms of HIV infection resemble flu-like symptoms, including fever, swollen lymph nodes, chills, night sweats, muscle aches, sore throat, fatigue, and mouth sores. However, only around 20% of individuals experiencing these symptoms feel unwell enough to seek medical attention. The manifestations described are called acute retroviral syndrome. In common viral infections, these symptoms may be overlooked. They last 3 to 14 days and then spontaneously disappear. This period may be followed by an asymptomatic phase of varying length, which may last up to several years. During this period, antibodies to HIV antigens become detectable. During this period, the virus almost disappears from the blood and migrates to the peripheral lymphoid organs and tissues.
Syphilis (RRR, Anti-Treponema pallidum)
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted, chronic and worldwide spread disease. If left untreated, it can seriously damage virtually all organs over time. However, it predominantly impacts the skin, bones, heart, spinal cord, and brain. In later stages, it can lead to various organ disabilities and mental disorders. The untreated form typically carries a poor prognosis.
The initial symptoms may manifest approximately 21 days after exposure, with the incubation period ranging from 10 to 90 days, indicating considerable variability and potential for a prolonged duration. If the patient is left untreated, a so-called latent form of the disease may appear, which can last for 3 to 30 years without symptoms. However, it can be identified through the presence of antibodies in the blood.
Chlamydia, specifically Chlamydia trachomatis, has become one of the common pathogens responsible for sexually transmitted diseases. Chlamydia are intracellular parasites. Aside from causing sexually transmitted diseases, they can also lead to respiratory or conjunctival (eye) infections. The prolonged course of the disease, coupled with substantial restrictions on the intimate lives of partners, significantly impacts the quality of life of those affected.
The typical incubation period for Chlamydia trachomatis infection ranges from 7 to 14 days, making collection for serological antibody determination appropriate approximately 14 days after infection. Direct evidence of chlamydia can be obtained promptly following infection.
Hepatitis B and C
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are viral infections that affect the liver. Hepatitis B (HBV) is attributed to the hepatitis B virus, which can result in either acute or chronic liver disease. An acute infection might manifest as flu-like symptoms and could resolve spontaneously. However, some people may develop more serious liver disease. If HBV infection lasts longer than 6 months, it becomes chronic. Hepatitis C (HCV) is induced by the hepatitis C virus. This infection can also progress through both acute and chronic phases. If it develops into a chronic infection, it can lead to liver damage such as cirrhosis or cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).
Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Herpes is an infectious condition characterized by recurring episodes triggered by the reactivation of the human herpes virus, belonging to the Herpesviridae family. This infection affects the genitalia. When infected with HSV-2, often through unprotected sexual contact, symptoms typically manifest as one or more genital or anal vesicles or sores. Symptoms may be different for everyone, and sometimes they may not appear at all or may be subtle.
Liver parameters
Liver ALT and GGT parameters are incorporated into the STD test packages.
ALT parameter
Elevated ALT activity indicates cell damage, particularly in the liver. As a laboratory marker, it is utilized in diagnosing liver failure, assessing liver functional reserve, and in procedures such as liver transplantation or resection.
GGT parameter
GGT (Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase) is an enzyme bound to cellular membranes and found mainly in the liver. It is highly sensitive to changes in hepatic function and to bile duct injury, which may occur, for example, as a result of taking medications or consuming alcohol.
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted infection. Many infections, however, are asymptomatic. Untreated gonorrhea can lead to severe and permanent health complications in both women and men. Gonorrhea can be cured with proper treatment.
Instructions before collection
Vaginal swab tubes are available at the selected collection site during the opening hours. Pick up the tube before the planned sample collection.
We do not recommend entry of patients/clients with clinical signs of disease (temperature, cough, signs of respiratory tract infection, etc.) to undergo this test. We recommend hand disinfection prior to entry to the clinics/collection points.
It is advised to fast for a minimum of 8 hours by refraining from eating or drinking anything expect water. Faiing to fast before the test may affect result quality. If you are currently on medications, consult your healtcare provider to determine whether you should continue taking them prior to the test. PREPARATION FOR BLOOD COLLECTION The recommended time to collect blood is between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., to obtain comparable results from different blood draws. To assess the numerical test result, so-called reference intervals are used, which are based on morning fasting collections and are used for population comparison. This time interval is also recommended in light of the biological cycles that naturally take place in the body.
GENERAL PRE-SAMPLING INSTRUCTIONS • It is necessary to come to the testing site earlier, so that you can rest in the waiting room for approximately 20 minutes to have a relatively relaxed body and mind. • It is not advisable to draw blood before collection. • It is necessary to arrive on an empty stomach for the collection itself, in the case of collections at a later time in the day, at least three hours on an empty stomach. At home, it is desirable to drink a sufficient amount of pure water (at least up to half a liter) - this is important for a successful blood collection. Mineral water, juice, coffee and tea are not recommended. Herbs included in tea may contain substances affecting the blood count. Coffee and black tea increase gastric acid production and release insulin from the pancreas, thereby affecting glucose metabolism. Since everything in the body is interrelated, they can impact other tests. Another extreme is when your body is running out of fluids. In this case, the number of red blood cells, the level of protein and lipids bound to the protein increase and the level of urea in the blood can also increase. It is therefore advisable to drink pure water when you wake up.
Generally, it is recommended to: • around 6 p.m. eat only light meals, do not eat fatty food (cheese, butter, cream, meat, smoked meat, bacon) and sweet meals, • fast for 10-12 hours (Attention: it is not advisable to starve for more than 16 hours!), in the case of later collection (after 9:30 a.m.), a lighter breakfast is allowed, no later than 3 hours before collection, • drink non-alcoholic beverages and drinks without sugar in the usual quantity, in the case of adult clients 24 hours before blood collection (Alcohol in the blood changes lipid levels, the level of glucose is reduced, uric acid levels increase and liver enzymes are released into the blood), • take only prescribed medicines in the evening, • avoid increased physical activity, and strength and endurance exercise the day before blood collection (Lipid, glucose, some enzyme levels in the blood and other parameters may change during physical activity. The recovery of normal values to maintain the accuracy of laboratory results may take a longer time, depending on the duration of the exercise, your physical fitness in general and other factors. We recommend maintaining normal daily physical activity such as light stretching, short cycling to work, gardening, etc.), • avoid psychological stress, which raises blood glucose levels and causes the release of stress hormones in particular, • avoid smoking for at least 6 hours prior to blood collection because it increases the level of carbonylhemoglobin produced by the reaction of the blood dye with carbon monoxide and alters the permeability and elasticity of the vessels, affecting the ratios of blood analytes, • do not chew gum for at least 6 hours before blood collection, as this may affect glucose and enzyme levels, • do not undergo stressful diagnostic or therapeutic interventions for at least 24 hours prior to blood collection. If any of the tests you have selected require special preparation, you will be informed of the fact by email with the order and blood collection instructions attached. These specific instructions have priority over the general recommendations for preparation.
MEDICINES It is recommended to have blood collected before the planned doses of medicines. If it is not possible to take the medicine later, you should inform the nurse during blood collection and specify what medication you have taken. Take the medicines prescribed by your doctor in the morning or bring them with you to take them after blood collection (thyroid medicines, antihypertensive medicines, blood thinners, contraceptives, etc.) In the case of later collection (after 9:30 a.m.), you can take the prescribed medication in the morning. Do not take iron, vitamin, nutritional supplements or other supplements, including homeopathics, for at least three (3) days prior to blood collection.
SPECIFIC SITUATIONS In order to obtain the appropriate answers to your questions with regard to the laboratory tests, it is important to accurately notify the nurse at the healthcare provider about the following facts prior to your blood test: • regularly used medicines and supplements (ideally come with a written list to the blood collection site), • infectious diseases you suffer from (e.g., HIV, hepatitis, mononucleosis...), • contact with an infected person or presence in an infectious environment, • if you have received an infusion within the last 5 days, specify into which limb, • intramuscular injections within 3 days prior to the blood collection date, • long-term immobilisation, lost ability to move, • activities at higher altitudes, • allergy to common band-aids, • if you feel unwell when looking at blood or needles, please also notify our blood collection staff of the fact.
OTHER FACTORS Please note that prolonged use of medication or other important factors may affect the values measured by the tests you have selected. For more information, please see the description of the specific test. To obtain objective test results, take the time to properly prepare for your blood collection.
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