Histamine intolerance

Abdominal pain after eating, reddening of the skin, a feeling of heat, difficulty breathing,…

14,40 €
Histamine intolerance
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Histamine intolerance

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14,40 €

Abdominal pain after eating, reddening of the skin, a feeling of heat, difficulty breathing, sometimes even palpitations are the most common symptoms of a problem with the breakdown of histamine in food, referred to as histamine intolerance (HIT). Histamine is a substance created and permanently present in the body, and it is also part of many foods consumed daily.

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What interests you about the Histamine intolerance?

How does histamine intolerance manifest itself?

Symptoms of histamine intolerance vary from person to person. If you suffer from diarrhea, shortness of breath, itching, rash or hives, low blood pressure, arrhythmia or swelling of the lips and tongue, you should take a histamine intolerance test and find out which foods to cut from your diet.

What should you avoid if you have histamine intolerance?

Foods that are made by ripening or fermentation, such as wine, beer, and cheese, contain the most histamine. You should also avoid sauerkraut, specific vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant) and fruits (bananas, papaya), mackerel, tuna, and nuts (peanuts).

Which foods contain the most histamine?

Mast cells release the most histamine when you eat foods that have been ripened or fermented, such as ripened cheeses, fermented vegetables, sauerkraut, and additives in processed foods (colorings, preservatives). Some foods naturally contain more histamine, such as tomatoes, spinach, and avocados.

How to break down and get histamine out of your body?

If you find out through the test that you have histamine intolerance, experts advise trying “safe” foods by eliminating all possible histamine triggers from your diet for a few weeks. If you don’t feel worse, start gradually reintroducing them into your diet.

How to get rid of HIT (histamine intolerance)?

There is no specific way to get rid of histamine intolerance other than by changing your diet. Patients manage their symptoms with antihistamines, DAO (diamine oxidase) enzyme supplements, corticosteroids, and by avoiding medications that affect histamine production (2).

What increases DAO (diamine oxidase)?

You can naturally increase the enzyme diamine oxidase, which metabolizes histamine by adjusting your diet. It is activated by certain vitamins (vitamin B6, B12, vitamin C), iron, copper. It is important to consume everything as fresh as possible - meat and fish, eggs, vegetables (except spinach, tomatoes and eggplant), fruits (except citrus), rice, quinoa, corn and millet.

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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojná. :)
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Výsledky som dostala veľmi rýchlo ale myslela som že v tom teste to bude viac rozpísané ale v poriadku
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Ďakujeme za Vaše hodnotenie, výsledok Vám prišiel kompletný, pri teste na histamínovú intoleranciu sa vyšetruje jeden parameter a je uvádzaný v jednotkách.
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Výsledky došli po troch dňoch, a čo sa týka odberu, tak spokojný
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Všetko prebehlo v poriadku,výsledky som mala do dvoch dní odporúčam
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