Select a laboratory testing package according to your age and obtain an overview of parameters such as glucose, lipid profile, thyroid hormones, or prostate parameters. Choose a laboratory testing…
Discover valuable information about a vital organ responsible for maintaining your overall health and eliminating waste products from your bloodstream. Our Kidney & Urinary Profile measures overall…
The liver plays a key role in more than 500 essential functions (e.g. detoxification, immune responses and protein synthesis). Use our blood test to find out the levels of liver markers. The test of…
Our diabetes mellitus (Diabetes Mellitus) test package will help you determine your risk of diabetes by testing a set of parameters - insulin, glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and insulin…
As part of the “Men's preventive care 60+” laboratory testing package, we will examine 29 parameters. You will obtain an overview of important markers, such as the level of PSA and fPSA prostate…
In the “Men's preventive care 50+” laboratory testing package, 28 parameters are monitored. This variant is intended for men over the age of 50. Compared to the 40+ age variant, this package includes…
As part of the “Men's preventive care 40+” laboratory testing package, we will monitor the values of 21 parameters. For example, we will measure the blood level of prostate markers (PSA and fPSA),…
As part of the “Men's preventive care 30+” laboratory testing package, we will determine the values of 16 parameters. As a result, you will get an overview of your vitamin D blood level or your lipid…
As part of the “Men's preventive care 20+” laboratory testing package, we will monitor the values of 11 parameters that will give you an overview of your vitamin D level or your thyroid function. In…
Testosterone is the male sex hormone that is made in the testicles. Testosterone hormone levels are important to normal male sexual development and functions.
As part of your prostate test, we will determine your PSA and PHI parameters from your blood. PSA is prostate specific antigen and is a screening test for possible prostate cancer in men. Its level…
Take a PSA test to find out a potentially elevated level of the PSA blood protein. This test may be taken any time throughout the year – not only in November (also in November). PSA as an enzyme…