PSA (prostate specific antigen) test

Take a PSA test to find out a potentially elevated level of the PSA blood protein. This test may be…

13,60 €
PSA (prostate specific antigen) test
  • Separate parameter

PSA (prostate specific antigen) test

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13,60 €

Take a PSA test to find out a potentially elevated level of the PSA blood protein. This test may be taken any time throughout the year – not only in November (also in November). PSA as an enzyme helps to thin the viscous fluid in semen, and hence improves the sperm motility.  

PSA occurs in two different forms: free and bound. Both forms may be tested in a laboratory provided that certain criteria are met. Prostate cancer usually occurs in men over 50, while the risk of developing this disease increases with aging. The PSA test is included in all Preventive Care for Men over 40 packages.

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What interests you about the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test?

What not to do before taking blood for PSA determination?

Avoid mechanical irritation of the prostate (cycling, sexual intercourse). If you underwent a prostate biopsy 2 weeks before the collection or underwent a rectal examination 2 days before the collection, consider postponing the PSA examination for at least 48 hours.

How much does a PSA test cost?

At Unilabs Online, you can get a PSA test for 13.60 euros.

We recommend to undergo the examination regularly after reaching the age of 40. For men over 50 years of age, the PSA test is part of a preventive examination, and you will receive the results within 1 working day.

How is a PSA test done?

For the PSA examination, we only need a blood sample, which we will take from you at one of more than 30 collection points throughout Slovakia. In the collected blood, 1 parameter is examined - PSA, which makes the testing very fast. You will receive the result within 1 working day.

What should the PSA value be?

The literature states that a PSA value of 4.0 ng/ml and below is considered normal. In general, we can say that the higher the value, the higher the risk of cancer. Sometimes even at values ​​< 4.0 ng/ml cancer may be present and, conversely, at higher values ​​it may not be present. It is important to realize that PSA levels usually rise with age, with the size of the prostate, and may also rise with inflammation or infection.

What can affect PSA values?

PSA levels tend to increase with age, prostate size, inflammation, or infection. A recent prostate biopsy, ejaculation, or vigorous exercise (such as cycling) completed 2 days before testing also skews the values.

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včas, 5
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Ďakujeme za Vaše hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojný. :)
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Všetko prebehlo v poriadku, výsledok som dostal rýchlo.
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Ďakujeme za Vaše hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojný. :)
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Nečakal som v rade, zobrali ma ešte niečo skôr, odber v pohode, výsledky už v ten deň poobede.
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Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás že ste boli spokojný. :)
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Nečakal som, dokonca ma zobrali skôr a vysledky som dostal do par hodin, čo som bol milo prekvapeny. Urcite odporucam toto odberove centrum.
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Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie. :)

You take the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test as part of the following tests